Mini Go Online
9x9 board Go online free browser game. Player vs player or computer, watching games. Japanese Go rule. No e-mail registration. PC & Smartphone.
↓【How to play】
- This game is based on the Japanese Go rule. (Text for inexperienced persons)
- The default handicap (komi) is 6.5: Black gives to White in an even game.
Rank difference | Handicap |
Komi | Reverse komi |
0 | 6.5 | |
1 | 3.5 | |
2 | 0.5 | |
3 | | 2.5 |
4 | | 5.5 |
5 | | 8.5 |
6 | | 11.5 |
7 | | 14.5 |
8 | | 17.5 |
9 | | 20.5 |
10 | | 23.5 |
11 | | 26.5 |
12 | | 29.5 |
13 | | 32.5 |
14 | | 35.5 |
15 | | 38.5 |
16 | | 41.5 |
17 | | 44.5 |
18 | | 47.5 |
19 | | 50.5 |
20 | | 53.5 |
21 | | 56.5 |
22 | | 59.5 |
23 | | 62.5 |
24 | | 65.5 |
25 | | 68.5 |
26 | | 71.5 |
27 | | 74.5 |
28 | | 77.5 |
29 | | 80.5 |
∞ | | 80.5 |
- The time limit is 2 minutes and 30 seconds (that can be changed). It is not counted within 5 seconds. (Simple delay system)
- An illegal point: foul defeat (9D-18K), warning dialog (19K-30K).
- The match is stopped by both passes. If there are stones that can be taken in seki, please take them beforehand. “■” “□” are enabled territories, “×” “+” are disabled territories. If you have changed a match preference from “Auto agree” to “Manual agree”, you can correct the result of automatic judgment. Please correct by tapping (or clicking) stones or territories on the board.
- At rank match, players can rank up by points; 200 (8D-5D), 100 (4D-1D), 70 (1K-9K), 50 (10K-18K), 20 (19K-25K), 10 (26K-30K).
Rank difference | Handicap game | Even game |
Higher win | Lower win |
0 | ±10 | ±10 | ±10 |
1 | ±10 | ±5 | ±15 |
2 | ±10 | ±1 | ±19 |
∞ | ±10 | ±1 | ±19 |
- Abbreviations used in the game.
Abbr. | Meaning |
RH | Rank match and Handicap game |
RE | Rank match and Even game |
FH | Free match and Handicap game |
FE | Free match and Even game |
- Please see also the Q&A.
↓【For inexperienced persons】
Go game competes for the number of territories (intersections). Black gives handicap (komi) 6.5 to White in an even game.

=36-27=9 (●Lead)
=9-6.5=2.5 (●Win)
- You can take opponent's stones by surrounding.

- You cannot move to the place which becomes same shape repetition. Once it is necessary to move to other places. This state is called “ko”.

- If you cannot take opponent's stones, you cannot move to the place where your stones are taken.

- Stones which have two eyes are not taken.

- Black and White cannot move to “・”. Because even if you want to take opponent's stones, your stones are taken first. This state is called “seki”.

- If you have filled in all places that do not become a territory such as “・”, please pass. The judgment of territories is started by both passes.

- After the judgment of territories started, stones which cannot make two eyes are removed as taken stones.

↑【Game name】
Mini Go Online
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